Pastor Jason & Sis. Violet Scheel
Our Pastor is Rev. Jason Scheel. Pastor Jason was born in Beebe in October 1974. He graduated from the Lighthouse Christian Academy, earned his Associates Degree and his Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from ASU Beebe, and his Master's Degree from Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, AR, with a 4.0 GPA. He taught business courses at the Air Force Base in Jacksonville, AR and works with the Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care. He has also been Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission in Beebe for the past several years.
Pastor Jason felt his calling to the ministry and was ordained in 2001. He is loved by our congregation and is a wonderful pastor and Bible teacher.
He met and married the love of his life, a Mississippi girl, Violet (Kyzar) Scheel, in December of 1998. They have three children: Hannah, Jared and Jordan. They love working for God and doing all they can to make the Lighthouse the best it can be!